Proof of execution: we’re here to support you through every step of your MDF journey

Marketing development funds are investments given by vendors to channel partners. Many partners depend on MDF to boost their marketing efforts, generate leads and drive sales. 

Securing the funds can take time. It requires a detailed strategy, highlighting objectives, metrics, and deliverables – but this is just the start of the process! As well as navigating the partner portals, getting to grips with the requirements of your MDF and delivering campaigns, you’re then faced with submitting the proof of execution to validate how the funds were used and highlight the results achieved. 

PoE is often the bugbear of busy partner marketing professions who lack the time and resource to compile the data and documentation needed to release the funding. 

Proof of Execution typically includes 

  • 3rd party invoices 
  • Creative assets – demonstrating how the vendor was represented in the campaign/messaging 
  • Campaign reports – highlighting the marketing activities that took place 
  • Performance metrics – showcasing results and ROI 

Ensuring that PoE is submitted correctly, according to individual vendor requirements and within their time constraints is essential as any discrepancies can lead to a delay in reimbursement or even claim rejection!  

Our team of MDF experts understand the rules and document requirements and know how to collate and present the details. We’re here to do all of the heavy lifting for you, from sourcing invoices and gathering assets, to liaising with relevant stakeholders to compile datawe’re well versed in vendor expectations. 

Requests for MDF are increasingly difficult, and vendors need to ensure that their investment is correctly utilised. We know that vendors are looking to engage with partners who can demonstrate how they generate and convert leads, so we want to support you from start to finish on your MDF journey.  

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